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Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Take the 30- Day Organizing Challenge!
I know I'm breaking my after 10 PM no computer rule but I wanted to make sure to get my organizing challenge post up!

My bedroom closet has become quite a problem area. In it, I keep clothing, sheets, blankets, scrapbooking materials, photos, memorabilia, bags/purses, shoes and various other things. The closet is NOT large enough for all this - it's not even a walk-in closet. But yet, all of it is in there! Here are my before photos:

It's not pretty.

But it needs to be tackled. And I know that I can do it in the next 30 days. I learned a lot through Laura and her advice for me on taking care of my office and I think I will attack this area in much the same way.

First, I will remove everything - and I mean everything - from the closet. I'm sure it needs to be vacuumed and wiped down, so I'll do that as well. Then I will sort everything out. Things I absolutely need right now; things to be given away; things to be thrown away; things that need a new home. I want to put shelves or drawers up on the left side (I have drawer on the right already) and get something to help me divide the top shelf up better. I am also considering possibly installing a second shelf up top but that is still up for debate.

So there you have it! Happy organizing to everyone participating in the challenge!


    posted at 11:00 PM

At 4/05/2007 9:14 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Oh, good for you, Tricia!
Is there a challenge for someone who needs to organize about every room in her house??? ;)
I wish I were exaggerating, but sadly, I'm not! :)

At 4/06/2007 12:02 AM, Blogger Lauren said...

i'm with you!

tricia- how's it going? i have been procrasstinating on this project.. i really NEED to get started.

At 4/07/2007 11:01 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Hi! YES remove everything...yeah! By doing this you will save yourself so much time in the long run. Awesome!

Good luck to you and thanks for joining in :)


At 4/08/2007 10:01 PM, Blogger Stuart and Beth said...

Looks like a great project. Can't wait to see the results.

At 4/13/2007 5:34 AM, Blogger Irene said...

Well, this looks like alot of work, but cleaning out is cathartic, plus you can make other people happy by giving away those unwanted or outgrown clothing items.
Happy spring cleaning!


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