Thursday, June 05, 2008
K is for Kindred Spirits
There is a strange thing about the blogging world. Somehow, I've managed to "meet" some people out here that I can really relate to. I admit that I have a fairly long blogroll and some I keep up with more than others. Some are moms, some are grandmoms. Some are single, some are married. Some share my faith, some are seeking...some just aren't sure. But in amongst this group, I've found some that I can really relate to, that I "get". And even though I've never met them (and may never), there is a sort of odd kinship, based on life experiences written down and published for the world to see. It may seem odd to those of you who don't blog (or read blogs other than mine!) but I've laughed with these folks, been frustrated for them, shared their joys and cried for them yet have not met them...but feel they are my friends.
Am I crazy? Wait...don't answer that (unless you are a fellow blogger!)
Am I crazy? Wait...don't answer that (unless you are a fellow blogger!)
I know what you mean. It's definitely a side of blogging I completely didn't expect, but whole-heartedly have welcomed.
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