On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?
8 most of the time...though sometimes my filter falls out and I just say or write whatever...and usually get in trouble for it!
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
I was just hanging up some welcome back decorations for a coworker who is returning Monday from maternity leave and someone said something to the effect of "oh, you are so nice" or something and I replied, "That's just how I roll" which made me laugh out loud at myself. Ha.
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Underdog. Though I have no desire to see the new movie!
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Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had.
Mr. Ritter in high school. He taught creative writing. He was a hoot and a great teacher! We always had fun in his class.
Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that the manna in the Bible was made from the same ingredients as Smartfood. : )
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