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Saturday, February 03, 2007
Something to Look Forward to
I think I've mentioned previously that I love Beth Moore. Her teaching really touches me and her perspective in the Bible studies she leads is always interesting and thought-provoking. I saw her locally several years ago, not long after coming to faith, and her teaching spoke to my heart. I was blessed to find a local women's Bible study this fall that was doing her study, "Living Beyond Yourself"...which was exactly what I needed (isn't God cool that way?!?)

Anyway, Beth is a very busy lady and doesn't speak in our area very much. I had read a few months ago that a local women's ministry was running a bus trip to see her this summer a few hours away. I wanted to go but didn't think I could find a friend to go with so I put it out of my mind. But every time I saw something about it, there was a longing in my heart to go. Last week, I received information from this organization in the mail. I said to myself that if there were still tickets available, I was going, even if it was by myself.

There are 8 seats left!

The information didn't give a price for a single so I emailed. They wrote back this week to say they've been looking for someone going by themselves - there is a group of three who'd like a fourth to room with them! What a blessing. I did disclose, however, that I snore, so that could put the kabosh on them wanting to room with me. BUT, regardless, I AM GOING.


    posted at 10:25 PM

At 2/05/2007 4:37 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Hi Tricia! I think I visited your place awhile back and know we comment on the same places! :)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am also excited, because our church is doing a life telecast seminar with Beth Moore with many churches around the country! It happens later this month.

I'm so glad that you can go hear her live! That's so great! :)

At 2/06/2007 8:21 PM, Blogger Overwhelmed! said...

Sweet! I'm glad you've secured a ticket to go. :)

So, you get a yearly pedicure, eh? I think I'm going to have a tough sell to Oronzo for a monthly or even quarterly pedicure. :) I did ask him to get me a gift certificate for a pedicure for Mother's Day!


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