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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Ha! Two posts in one day.

I am so tired but can't sleep. This is quite maddening, really. And even when I do sleep, I don't FEEL like I slept. So you would think that I could use this non-sleeping time more wisely and get my proverbial act together.

Ah, but no. Instead, I log on to the computer, check my email, check my Bloglines (which, by the way, is one of the greatest inventions ever if you are a multi-blog reader like me), comment on some blogs, post random things on my blog, etc. I've actually been trying NOT to log on at night after work, though that is not always practical since there are so many things I need to be online to do. But I had heard that it stimulates your brain too much and contributes to this not sleeping thing. I think there is some truth to that but, again, sometimes it must be done.

Anyway, on a more fun note, our youth group had a service project tonight with a local food pantry. We made placemats for their Thanksgiving dinner and cards for people who receive Meals on Wheels. I had a lovely time drawing and writing encouraging notes. Some of the youth, as usual, were infinitely creative. They always astound me. I am so blessed that I get to be a part of their lives!!! Truly.

On Sunday, I had our seniors in high school over for dinner to kind of kick off a new ministry we are starting for them. We didn't really do anything but eat and hang out and talk but I had a wonderful time. I hope they did too. It was nice just to be relaxed and I was really interested to hear some of their ideas and plans for the future. They are at such a scary yet amazing time in their lives. They can do or be anything - they can reinvent themselves, they can learn who they really are...so much lies ahead. I pray that they will be blessed in all they do and that they will stay commited to their relationships with the Lord, no matter where the future leads them. And I hope that I can be a touchstone for them here, always ready to listen and remind them.

    posted at 11:00 PM


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