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Friday, September 01, 2006
Good Thing THESE Feasts Don't Add Calories! Friday Feast 109
What are some lyrics you have misheard (such as, instead of "Gettin' Jiggy With It" you heard "Kick a chicken with it")?

Actually, it wasn't me that misheard...I believe both of these were young boys in worship service...instead of "Holy, Holy, Holy", it became "Holy, holy, whole wheat" and my absolute favorite, instead of "all things are possible", it was "all things are popsicles"! Love 'em!

What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

I really did not like The English Patient. I'm sure there are a few others but that's the first one that pops into my mind

Using the letters from your favorite number, write a sentence. Example: Tomorrow has really easy experiences.

Fridays I visit eskimos.

Main Course
What was the most interesting news story you have heard this week?

The one that has stuck with me is the story of the father who killed his next door neighbor aftering hearing the man had possibly molested the man's two year old daughter. It breaks my heart.

Which word(s) would you choose to describe your wardrobe?

Simple, classic


    posted at 4:23 PM


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