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Friday, July 28, 2006
Cavities, Diabetes, Exhaustion...oh my!
What a week.

We got home from West Virginia around 4:30 on Saturday and I had a dinner meeting at 6:30. I got home around 10:30 or so but had to take care of something for church in the morning.

Sunday was a whirlwind; church, taking the vans back, trying to get wash done and things back in some semblance of order, leaderhship community meeting, etc. Thankfully Kym invited me back in for dinner after the meeting or I would have completely forgotten to eat at all.

Monday was back to work day and I was dragging. After work, I had to take Ramona to the vet because she had been very lethargic and the petsitter said she was also drinking a lot while I was away. So we went to the vet, which she oh so loves, and because she is such a friendly, loving cat to the vet (NOT!) she got to stay so they could sedate her and take blood. I was so upset to leave her there overnight.

Tuesday morning began with a trip to the dentist. My last checkup I had a cavity -gasp! This is so unusual for me. In all my life, this is only my second cavity. So I was anxious about it. It really wasn't that bad - the worst part was the needle and then the numbness in my face which lasted about four hours afterwards. After work, I picked up Ramona and took her home (with no word from the vet on what was up) and hurried off to my bible study.

Wednesday, the vet calls and leaves a very nonchalant message that Ramona has diabetes and will need to go on insulin, so hey, give a call back when you have a chance! Now I am not a fan of needles and I surely have never given anyone else one...so I am not sure how I am going to do this. But she is my baby and she is entrusted into my care - and care for her I will. But it took me until yesterday to get one of the vets to talk with me. We go in next Thursday to learn how to give the insulin, etc. Pray I can do it! Pray she lets me do it!

Last night I had a children's ministry management team meeting. We covered a lot and came up with some solutions to some problems that I hope will work out quickly and well. I am blessed with a great team of people to work with, who truly care for these kids. Trish stayed late catching up with me afterwards and ending up driving home in a WICKED storm. I pray she made it home ok! I'll have to give a call in a little while and make sure all is well.

And now, here I am, finally at Friday. I feel like I could sleep for a week and I probably could! I am definitely sleeping in tomorrow. I am going to look at a house in the afternoon (yes, I still have a fleeting hope of finding something - I haven't completely put aside that dream!) and in the evening K and I are going to a fundraiser at the Elmwood Park Zoo. I've never been there; it's something different & it sounds like fun. We shall see. There is a deep craving in my soul lately for thigns that are fun and different...as you may have noticed in previous posts...not sure where this will all lead...or what's causing it (though I have a tiny inkling.)

More later!

    posted at 10:56 AM

At 7/28/2006 11:40 AM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Hello Tricia, thanks for stopping by my spot and visiting. I saw on your sidebar Diane's place so that may be our connection. Love Diane :-) I've had cats since I was 15 -thats getting to be awhile! A few cats back I noticed she was losing weight - unusual believe me, then she got very swollen. When I took her to the vet I found out her kidneys had failed and I had to put her down. Sobbed, clung to the vet, in front of the much-traumatized kids. Wish I'd found out earlier so I'm glad to know your vet caught that something was wrong and she can be treated. I had a friend who's dog had diabetes and she was able to give her a shot daily. Guess you get used to it. Hope you get used to it.

Sounds like you need a relaxing weekend, like ours. Hope you get it. I'll stop back by soon.

At 7/28/2006 9:53 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Hi...visiting your site for the first time from Bev's blog. Is that a picture of you as a child? As you might guess, I really like that idea! :)
Anyway...I never heard of a pet having diabetes. That is interesting! Hope the whole thing goes smoothly for you (and your cat!)
Stop by anytime...


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