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Name: Tricia

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Saturday, April 08, 2006
Each Day Counts
I'd like to introduce you to someone who is an inspiration to me. You may read his blog but some of you may not...if not, please visit Ruben.

Ruben happened upon this blog when I first started it and commented; I went over to his blog to check him out and was totally floored by his story. He faces so many struggles each day, yet finds the beauty and the good in some many people and things in his life. Even when he is in pain and feeling low, he tries to turn his focus away from those things and to find the positive somewhere. His post today about his children and his daughter thanking him for trying to be a good daddy brought tears to my eyes.

It is amazing to me that something as simple as a blog can bring people all over the world together. I am thankful that Ruben found mine and that I am able to share in his story & his life, always reminding me that each day really does count.

Ruben & Meg are getting married very soon. I know from what he has written that Meg is his everything - his love, his strength. I pray that their wedding will be beautiful and magical, all that it should be for such special people. And I pray that Ruben will be granted the gift of health that day and that he will feel no pain and no fatigue and that he and his love will enjoy every minute of their special day.

    posted at 8:50 PM

At 4/09/2006 3:56 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I fell in love with this couple the first time I found his bolg! We love you Ruben! Thanks Tricia for the great words for our friend! I wish it was possible for us all to fly out there for their wedding! How cool would that be!

At 4/10/2006 9:30 PM, Blogger Tricia said...

That would be so cool! But instead, we will just be praying and wishing them all the joy in the world!!

At 4/11/2006 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always say that my readers offer me hope and a reason to fight. Your words certainly do that! I am doing ok out here with my funny life.

Stay out of crack hotels and you will be just fine also! :-)

Thank you so much for the kind words and large doses of hope! That is the best medicine ever!


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