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Name: Tricia

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A Group Blog for Christian Moms

Thursday, February 09, 2006
Look out world...

It's SuperGrrl.

Tonight I took on my arch nemesis, the undrying dryer...and won.

It took the purchase of a shop vac, a lot of coaching and encouragement from my dad, a drill with a screwdriver bit and a whole lot of frustrating moments! But I fixed my dryer myself.

It might seem like a little thing to some out there but to me this is a major deal. I really hate asking for help (but have gotten somewhat better about it in recent years) and like to try to deal with things on my own whenever possible. I decided tonight that this was going to be one of those things. And it was! So at least tonight I am going to sleep with a great sense of accomplishing something I thought was a task that was well beyond my ability. Yahoo!

It's really sad when the highlight of your birthday week is repairing your dryer...but more on the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad birthday later. I'm still processing and decompressing and...well, just trying to get over it all.

I will say, though, that my birthday eve was quite nice. Nancy brought a cake to home group for Doris and I and there was some REALLY horrible singing, which I always love. It just always makes me laugh! We all had a nice night together. I'm really enjoying our group. I just started leading in November and with the holidays and such, we got off to an on and off kind of start. But the last three weeks or so we've met regularly and I feel like our relationships are growing stronger with each week. : )

    posted at 11:27 PM

At 2/10/2006 10:21 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Sorry your birthday was horrible and no-good. I totally understand the joy of fixing your own dryer! Way to go!

At 2/10/2006 7:47 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Way to go, you go girl! Maybe I'll do mine....and you can give me some pointers :) I'm sorry about your birthday being bad, I am happy about our group. Anyway, it is your birthday month....right????

At 2/11/2006 8:24 PM, Blogger Ex-playgroup mommy said...

Congrats on fixing your dryer! Sorry your bday sucked! I agree with Michelle -- it's your bday month. It will get better!


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