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Monday, September 19, 2005
Living in the moment redux...
Ever since I read that article about living in the moment and really taking time to notice things...I've noticed that I don't notice much on a daily basis. So I made a concerted effort yesterday to notice six things:
1. A fox with a really long tail crossing Yoder Road
2. That Vinnie's Pizzarama is painted red (boy, I hope it wasn't always red, because I'll feel really silly for suddenly noticing that after driving by it 800 times)
3. An old guy on a bright yellow moped
4. That where I got gas at 9:30 AM had gone down 5 cents by 1:30

Still not six things, but it's better than nothing...which is my list for today! I was trying to explain this to some people yesterday and they thought I was nuts - until I asked them to tell me six things they really and truly paid attention to and took notice of that day. Give it a try - and leave me a comment!

I'm still in the throes of irritability about my limbo-ness and all the drama of last week but I think I am on the upswing. I have to remind myself that what you do or deal with 9 to 5 doesn't define you. No one is simply a job title. We all have other things in our lives that matter, that make us happy,that make a difference in some way, even small ones

I wanna move the people on a hot summer's day
I wanna serve up the truth like it's pink lemonade
I wanna give my people what they can't deny
I wanna light up the sky like the 4th of July
Anyone know the song? Racegrrl, I know you do! : ) Gotta love Tobymac.

I recently read a series of books by Ray Blackston about some Christian singles trying to meet people. At the beginning, it starts with some quotes that tell something about each one. The main character's love interest says, "My name is Allie, and I work for God." I think about that a lot, especially in terms of what I'm doing with the children and youth at church. That's what's really important to me. Not this other stuff; that's all just stuff. Gotta keep your focus, especially when those around you are losing theirs.

    posted at 10:20 PM

At 9/20/2005 8:54 AM, Blogger Ex-playgroup mommy said...

I think everyone loses focus once in a while. I do believe that there are many things that define who you are...not just one. I guess all we can do is live our best life or at least try. I know sometimes I get frustrated being a SAHM because I feel like I'm not contributing to anything in the "working world" but I know that's not true.

At 9/20/2005 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Either Vinny's was just painted, or I'm as oblivious as you are. :)

-- Michael

At 9/22/2005 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

6 things (I hope I can think of that many) that I noticed today:
1) That one episode of House that I watched at my Aunt's last year won an emmy for best writing. Go figure.
2) Too many people who claim they want to change but really won't ask Dr. Phil for help.
3) The manicure place down the street has really tall, very cool looking flowers out front.
4) There's an Ink and Copy in Jenkintown that sells Post-its!
5) Milo has started to sing the ABC song to himself. Very cool.
6) All duck decoys should be painted purple because they look mighty fine that way.
Liz S.


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